Sunday 19 May 2013

Chin up.

So I keep hearing people whining.

It's not that I think people shouldn't complain at all, don't get me wrong, but it seems to me that a large proportion of the complaints I hear are from particularly middle class adolescents in similar walks of life as myself. 

Again, please don't think I'm talking about the #firstworldproblem complaints that can so often be heard in the queue at Starbucks in reference to a mild blistering caused by some Louis Vuitton loafers (okay maybe SB's is a little lowbrow for Louis vuittons..but you get my point.) or other such life threatening situations. The complaints I speak of are about our government and country and petrol and so on and so forth and so tedious. It seems that we live in a nation where the average happiness rating of 7.6/10 does not hold true to the murmurings of those afflicted by the illness of being under 25 and living as a student. 

I understand that such things are (or should be) important issues for all but is there really a need to do naught but complain of said issues ad infinitum? Discuss them yes! Argue about them with passion yes! But when one complains, there is no movement either forward nor back, there is only an all consuming sadness.

People talk of society 'being fucked' (not in the sense of a verb, because that would be strange), of being in a state of fucked up-ness; I am inclined to agree to an extent, what with unemployment being sky high, with the rich getting richer and the poor staying...well, poor,and a plethora of other distressing examples. However I am also inclined to go to the rooftops and scream to these whining specimens: 

"We all make up society. We are all fucked. It is up to us to un-fuck ourselves before we try to unclog the drain that is our country. When that is done, then we can fry these bigger fish, then we can make progress."

I know that this post is rash and leaves a lot to be answered for, but if everyone took their complaints and turned them to positivity and pro-activity....well then I'd both have nothing to write about and I'd be happier for it.

"Complaining not only ruins everybody else's day, it ruins the complainer's day, too. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get." 


*PS. I have not overlooked the irony of a blog post that complains about people complaining*

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